CourseWork Calculator

Project Overview

CourseWork Calculator is a single-page web app built for students choosing which courses to enroll in at the University of Michigan. My group and I built a selenium web-crawler to scrape data such as median grade, credit hours, and student-reported workload from U of M's Atlas Course Profiles. We then stored this data in an sqlite3 database in the backend of the application. A Flask REST API was used to send data from the database to the frontend. Said frontend utilized the Vue framework as well as Vuetify for styling. A user can search for different courses, add them to their backpack and/or schedule then get an hours-per-week estimate for their given schedule.

Date: Winter 2021

Project Role

I implemented the vast majority of the Vue functionality, Vuetify styling, and API routes. I was also in charge of presenting our prototype application to instructors. Furthermore, I also helped develop the web-scraper but in a much lesser capacity.

Relevant Technology

  • Python
  • Selenium
  • Beautiful Soup
  • sqlite3
  • Flask
  • Vue JS
  • JavaScript
  • Vuetify
  • HTML
  • CSS

Relevant Skills

  • Web-scraping
  • Browser automation
  • Relational database management
  • Dynamic client-side rendering
  • Full-stack development
  • Single page application development
  • Git collaboration and version control
  • Project presentation