Project Overview
GraphBlog is a modern responsive CMS blog application complete with a featured posts carousel, recent posts, categoreis, full markdown articles, author information, functional comments, and more. This projects is built using NextJS(React framework), TailwindCSS, hygraph (headless CMS), and GraphQL. GraphBlog is deployed via Vercel.
Date: January 2023
Project Role
This was an individual project completed as part of a tutorial by JavaScript Mastery; however I was responsible for managing all code, database configurations, and hosting configurations. Furthermore, I also added some of my own styling to taste. This project was completed to gain experience with modern web technologies such as NextJS and headless CMS platforms suchgi as hygraph.
Relevant Technology
- NextJS
- ReactJS
- TailwindCSS
- Vercel
- hygraph
- GraphQL
- JavaScript
Relevant Skills
- Responsive web development
- Frontend frameworks
- Headless CMS
- Server-side rendering
- Dynamic client-side rendering
- Full-stack development
- Production deployment
- Git version control