Halloween Hustle

Project Overview

Halloween Hustle is a top-down 2D shooter game where the player must traverse the dungeon, fighting off waves of enemies and collecting power-ups, weapons, and more to help along the way. Defeat Jason and escape before the timer runs out!

It should be noted that the game is neither complete nor bug-free as prioritizing tasks to complete (triaging) in a strictly time-constrained environment was part of the project specification as our group was only given two weeks to submit our final deliverable.

Date: Fall 2021

Project Role

My main role was implementing the game's core weapon functionality. I implemented a semi-automatic pistol, 3-pellet shotgun, burst assault rifle, and a rocket launcher that shoots jack-o-lantern bombs. In turn, I also tuned all of the weapons' properties including projectile collision handling, damage profiles, reload times, magazine sizes, reserve ammo quantities, user interface, and audio and visual effects.

I was also tasked with implementing the rest of the game's sound effects as well as lighting effects. In addition, I implemented several collectible power-ups such as health and ammo drops, flashlight batteries, increased mag size, decreased reload speed, and increased player movement speed.

Relevant Technology

  • C#
  • Unity Engine
  • Unity Collaborate

Relevant Skills

  • Game Design
  • Level Design
  • Sound Effect Design
  • JIRA project management
  • Project life cycle management:
    • Sprints
    • Burndowns
    • Triaging
    • Milestones
    • Beta, alpha, gold deliverables
  • Unity and git collaboration and version control