
Project Overview

AntiSocialMedia is a full stack application implemented using the popular MERN stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. The app also uses react-redux-toolkit for state management, Material UI for styling, and Heroku for production deployment. The app is responsive and implements other web development standards. A user can toggle light/dark mode, login/logout/register, like/unlike posts, show/hide comments, upload new posts, and friend/unfriend other users.

Date: December 2022

Project Role

This project was completed as part of a tutorial by EdRoh on YouTube; however I was responsible for managing all code, database configurations, and hosting configurations. Furthermore, also added some of my own styling to taste. I plan on implementing further functionality that one would expect from such a social media app.

Relevant Technology

  • MongoDb
  • Express
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • Redux-toolkit
  • Heroku
  • Material UI
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JSX
  • ES6

Relevant Skills

  • Full-stack development
  • NoSQL database management
  • JWT authentication
  • State management
  • Production deployment
  • Git version control