Zelda NES

Project Overview

My partner and I re-created the 1st dungeon (the Eagle) of the classic Legend of Zelda for NES using the Unity game engine. We also implemented a custom dungeon level in which the player must use a portal gun to traverse the dungeon while avoiding the lava. The custom level can be accessed by pressing the "4" key. The game is not quite fully complete nor is it bug-free as prioritizing tasks to complete (triaging) in a strictly time-constrained environment was part of the project specification as each team was only given two weeks to submit a final deliverable.

Date: Fall 2021

Project Role

I undertook the implementation of all the weapons' functionality, item pickups, user interface, and audio and visual effects. I also worked with my partner in tandum to implement general gameplay functionality such as level progression, player inventory, and health and damage.

Relevant Technology

  • C#
  • Unity Engine
  • Unity Collaborate

Relevant Skills

  • Game development
  • JIRA project management
  • Project life cycle management:
    • Sprints
    • Burndowns
    • Triaging
    • Milestones
    • Beta, alpha, gold deliverables
  • Unity collaboration and version control