Zulip Crypto Bot
Project Overview
For my open-source assignment I implemented a chat bot in Zulip's python-zulip-api repository. The bot fetches data from the Coinbase API to return market price information for a specified cryptocurrency. Additionally, users can supply a date argument to get back the market price for a cryptocurrency on said date. I followed the existing “BotHandler” framework to implement my bot and followed the unit testing framework to write my test cases. Additionally, I had document the usage and purpose of the bot, and I had to write fixtures (JSON) that the testing modules could use to mock http requests and responses.
Date: Winter 2022
Project Role
As this was an individual assignment, I was reponsible for all implementation details, maintenance, version control, and functionality. I was also responsible for communicating and seeking advice/help from developers using the zulip developer community streams.
Relevant Technology
- Python
- Coinbase API
- JSON fixtures
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
Relevant Skills
- Git collaboration and version control
- Git continuous integration
- APIs
- Unit testing
- Communication
- Documentation and conventions